Wednesday, May 28, 2008

106 Books of Pretension

This isn´t exactly related to arts, or designs. Cultures? Surely. I was reading a blog the other day on this. This meme apparently has been going on for quite a while. Nevermind that. I like a good meme. I especially like a good meme on books. This list of ´106 books of pretension´ was based from the books most frequently marked unread by Library Thing users.

Let´s get started, shall we?

Books I´ve read are in bold.
Books I´ve started but haven´t finished are in italics.
Books I own but haven´t read are marked with a dagger (†).

  1. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. I honestly have only heard of this book now. Off to the not so good start, are we.
  2. Anna Karenina
  3. Crime and Punishment
  4. Catch-22. Well, they didn´t tell me to at my school.
  5. One Hundred Years of Solitude. Always a favorite of mine.
  6. Wuthering Heights. The soppy young me always cried whenever I read this. Everytime. :P
  7. The Silmarillion - I could never really get into this.
  8. Life of Pi : a novel
  9. The Name of the Rose
  10. Don Quixote
  11. Moby Dick.
  12. Ulysses
  13. Madame Bovary
  14. The Odyssey
  15. Pride and Prejudice. Never an Austen fan, I´m afraid.
  16. Jane Eyre
  17. The Tale of Two Cities
  18. The Brothers Karamazov
  19. Guns, Germs, and Steel: the fates of human societies
  20. War and Peace
  21. Vanity Fair
  22. The Time Traveler’s Wife
  23. The Iliad
  24. Emma
  25. The Blind Assassin
  26. The Kite Runner - I´ve been meaning to read this. I´m blaming it on babyhood.
  27. Mrs. Dalloway
  28. Great Expectations.
  29. American Gods
  30. A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
  31. Atlas Shrugged
  32. Reading Lolita in Tehran : a memoir in books
  33. Memoirs of a Geisha
  34. Middlesex
  35. Quicksilver †- Owned due to the fact that husband reads these sort of things. I myself have no intention of reading it.
  36. Wicked : the life and times of the wicked witch of the West
  37. The Canterbury Tales
  38. The Historian : a novel
  39. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
  40. Love in the Time of Cholera
  41. Brave New World
  42. The Fountainhead
  43. Foucault’s Pendulum
  44. Middlemarch
  45. Frankenstein
  46. The Count of Monte Cristo
  47. Dracula
  48. A Clockwork Orange
  49. Anansi Boys
  50. The Once and Future King
  51. The Grapes of Wrath
  52. The Poisonwood Bible : a novel
  53. 1984
  54. Angels & Demons
  55. The Inferno
  56. The Satanic Verses. Was banned. :P
  57. Sense and Sensibility. Never an Austen fan, I say.
  58. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  59. Mansfield Park
  60. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
  61. To the Lighthouse
  62. Tess of the D’Urbervilles
  63. Oliver Twist
  64. Gulliver’s Travels
  65. Les Misérables
  66. The Corrections
  67. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
  68. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
  69. Dune
  70. The Prince
  71. The Sound and the Fury
  72. Angela Ashes: a memoir†
  73. The God of Small Things
  74. A People’s History of the United States : 1492-present
  75. Cryptonomicon †. See reason for #35
  76. Neverwhere
  77. A Confederacy of Dunces
  78. A Short History of Nearly Everything- I don´t own the book, so I sort of read it every now and then when I see it at other people´s places.
  79. Dubliners
  80. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
  81. Beloved
  82. Slaughterhouse-five
  83. The Scarlet Letter
  84. Eats, Shoots & Leaves
  85. The Mists of Avalon
  86. Oryx and Crake: a novel
  87. Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed
  88. Cloud Atlas
  89. The Confusion
  90. Lolita
  91. Persuasion
  92. Northanger Abbey
  93. The Catcher in the Rye
  94. On the Road
  95. The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  96. Freakonomics: a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything. What can I say, there´s still an economist in me. :P
  97. Zen and the Art of Motorcycles Maintenance: an inquiry into values.
  98. The Aeneid
  99. Watership Down
  100. Gravity’s Rainbow
  101. The Hobbit
  102. In Cold Blood
  103. White Teeth
  104. Treasure Island
  105. David Copperfield
  106. The Three Musketeers
Have read: 25
Haven´t finished: 6
Owned but unread: 3

Huh, can´t afford to be a book snob, can I.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I just read this article on Indonesia's local economic magazine, and found a critically acclaimed comic artist named Christiawan Lie, this Bandung Institute of Technology alumnus has made his mark all the way to America with some highly regarded publisher, find out more about him in gokil;)!!


Friday, May 23, 2008

One Lucky Helen

Ms. Helen Dardik of One Lucky Helen isn´t just lucky, she is also an uber-talented illustrator, designer, and mother extraordinaire. I love her playful, multicolor patterns and illustrations. Her website is full of inspirations and bright colored artworks. You can read her blog at orange you lucky! or purchase her selected prints on Etsy.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Return to the Root: Masmundari

Legendary Masmundari. May her legacy lives on.

Originally uploaded by leilanitiara


A unique gift for a special cause? send.a.message
via design for mankind

Monday, May 12, 2008

deviant found: wekker

Saw this on today´s Daily Deviation @ deviantART. Nice, eh. It isn´t a photo, it´s a bloody good vector render. One click on the maker´s name reveals he´s one William Fajito from Indonesia.

AWAS! Recent Art from Indonesia

Awas! Recent Art from Indonesia

I missed out on bidding on this book on eBay. The joy of taking care of a baby means you sometimes miss out on doing things, including bidding on online auctions ;P. Have you read it? Is it worth getting? I´m curious. The description on eBay says:

¨A fascinating and revealing overview of the state of contemporary art in Indonesia. Several radically different art scenes are flourishing inside this huge and mysterious nation. Includes tons of great photographs, plus a series of articles by experts in the field of Indonesian art.¨

Hmm... curiouser.. I tried to find it on several online bookshops. No luck yet. The book was commissioned and published by the Indonesian Arts Society.


I found out more thanks to further googling. Apparently the book was published for this traveling exhibition. It also led me to Kunci, which has several interesting essays on arts and cultures. The site is rather ´wordy´, so I saved the link for later readings.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Yak! mari melihat details!..kira2 berapa dari kita yang menyadari indahnya details dari sebuah kain songket, mari melayang benak, sebuah songket adalah kebudayaan turun temurun, yang sudah pasti teknik tenun dan patternnya adalah hasil kreasi orang2 dahulu, mungkin dari abad Sriwijaya, atau mungkin lebih tua lagi.

Sy senang dengan details, hmm..daripada ngeliatin Valentino, dan entah siapa lagi itu namanya desainer2 londo yang miskin detail (imho;p) lebih suka liat hasil karya detail Zainal Songket atau kebaya Adjie Notonegoro :)


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

exljbris : Free Quality Fonts

Jos Buivenga from exljbris kindly provides great fonts for professional designs.
Check out his Delicious, Fontin, Fontin Sans, Anivers, Fertigo, Tallys, Diavlo, and Musio fonts.

All images courtesy Jos Buivenga


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Clever Graphics : Tauba Auerbach

I hope your weekend was good.

For your visual delights, Tauba Auerbach from San Fransisco:



design for mankind


Beny & Mice : 100 Tokoh yang Mewarnai Jakarta

Kemarin kebetulan lewat toko buku akhirnya beli juga, 100 Tokoh yang Mewarnai Jakarta. Hahahhahah...macem2 isinya ada reserse, anak band, sampe2 pembawa acara kuis tengah malam, ketawa sendiri soalnya kadang suka nonton juga kuis tengah malem.

Sebuah refleksi dan terapi satire yang bagus, untuk menjaga diri dari sok pinter, sok akademis, sok sophisticated, dan sifat2 snobbish lainnya agar tetap senantiasa menjejak kaki di bumi...saelah

Untuk liat resensi orang lain bisa di sini

Sebenernya dari dulu semenjak liat strip komik ini di surat kabar sy teringat sama Lat, tah kenapa..mungkin gayanya mirip, tp kalau disuruh memilih semisal di depan sy ada strip Lat dan Beny & Mice, sy pasti pilih Lat, soalnya isinya bukan satire, ngga berat, bikin hati sejuk dan ga bikin stress;)

Lat. this is one of his infamous work, Kampung Boy. juga jd teringat strip Sawung Kampret, koq ga dibikin lagi ya??


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Asli Yogya

I have never realised that Design Diary, one pretty cool design blog, is made in Yogya.

Why do arts and designs thrive so well in Yogya, compared with the rest of Indonesia (minus Bali)? Is it in their blood, inherited from centuries of well preserved traditional culture? Or is it in the environment? Is it in their easy going - it´s okay if we don´t get rich as long as we can create - attitudes?

It doesn´t matter. They´re doing great. Everywhere I look on the web for Indo artists I keep stumbling upon artists and designers from Yogyakarta, not from Bali, never from Aceh (poor Acehnese, we must be lacking that creative blood).

On another note, the DesignFlip magazine #4 by Jogyaforce has just been published and available for download. Great e-zine.


Thank God It´s Weekend!
Today´s flickr´s favorites. They´re all by Indonesian photographers. #8 is actually by a good mate.

Today´s favorite: Indo photographers.

1. Huge Red Door, 2. becak didalam Fort Rotterdam, 3. Rasta India, 4. Waiting someone?, 5. Yellow Chairs Checkered Floor, 6. #700 Savoy Homann, 7. loner, 8. Rumah Gadang

Have a fun weekend,

Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday Illustration : Steve Morrison

Upon perusing the link perempuan had given (illustration friday), i quickly stumbled with this lovely artist
"A theory: This is where the moon goes after a long night of traversing the heavens. Also, the moon is a cat. That's my theory, and one day Science will prove me right." He said.

His works somehow gives me a warm feeling, find out more through these links :, and

Friday illos: Mayumi Haryoto

Well pointing out perempuan , i'm going to share some illustrator that i know. Mayumi Haryoto, i like her works, you can find more of them in studio.shika.

Memang banyak koq illustrator indonesia, nanti sy akan cari2 lagi soalnya jarang yg udah ketemu di-bookmark;p..

the background illos it's Mayumi's

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Friday Illo: Richard Fang and Ella

Finding an Indonesian illustrator (online) sometimes feels like finding a needle in a haystack. I´m sure there are a lot of talented Indonesian illustrators out there, unfortunately not many are putting their presence (widely) known on the web. Or maybe I have been looking at the wrong places? Kindly enlighten me.

A couple that I like:

Richard Fang. Interesting, quirky illos like the one below:
Richard Fang: wish you were here (2008)

The Enigma. Ella from Bandung draws wonderful, rather whimsical creations. Perfect for children (and adults alike) storybooks. Ella has an already defined style. She consistently participates in the weekly Illustration Friday. Looking forward to see so much more of her illustration. I hope she opens an online store someday to sell her prints and such.

Ella (The Enigma), superhero, for Illustration Friday (2006)


Linky Links: Patterns

Image credit:

Some found links on patterns:
- Squidfingers : nice, clean, seamless patterns.
- Kaliber10k : plenty of pixel patterns.
- Tile machine : make your own or browse the gallery of thousands of patterns.
- Tartan Designer : create your own tartan pattern.
- PatternHead. Many great seamless retro patterns in vector. However, they are not free.