Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Particles Effects with Gravity

That's it, try to click and hover your cursor above the platform! quite kewel eh;p, sedikit contoh bagaimana sebuah rumus fisika dan matematika diaplikasikan ke dalam flash, and here's the actionscript:

var n:Number = 30;
var d:Number = 150;
var s:Number = .003;
var c:Number;
attractor.mass = 2;
function init():Void {
     for (var i:Number = 0; i  
       var particle:MovieClip = attachMovie("particle", "p"+i, i);
         particle._x = Math.random()*Stage.width;
         particle._y = Math.random()*Stage.height;
         particle.vx = Math.random()*3-2;
         particle.vy = Math.random()*3-2;
         particle._xscale = particle._yscale=20+Math.random()*100;
         particle.mass = particle._xscale/100;
function onEnterFrame():Void {
attractor._x = _xmouse;
attractor._y = _ymouse;
for (var i:Number = 0; i var particle:MovieClip = this["p"+i];
particle._x += particle.vx;
particle._y += particle.vy;
............there there i'm not gonna write it down all for you,

kalo mau silahkan ubek2 di, it belongs to Indonesian of course:) and yes he encoded the script himself


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Edge Retro Cover : gunstar-red

While on the subject of pixel art, here´s one I like so much. Check out the details from the games collection to the robot, the toys, the action figures, posters on the wall, the gumball machine. gunstar-red doesn´t miss a thing!

I know somebody whose got similar scene right here in this household. Probably in a lot of other homes as well. Huh, yeah, I´d look at this picture and think it´s very familiar. Minus the lava lamp, of course.
Edge Retro Cover by ~gunstar-red on deviantART

Other link found: Design Police kit, should you need one.

´Til the next post, goodnight.

Gimme Eboy anytime

I have great admiration for pixel artists. Hey, drawing pixel by pixel takes time, so one can imagine what it takes to draw a poster size one. I´ve tried doing small scale ones, and my, it´s hard.

Eboy is one of my all time favorites. I´ve been so out of loop since giving birth and only yesterday I realised that they make posters! Yes, full size, cityscape pixel art posters! I´d settle for an Eboy poster for birthday (hint, hint to Hubba :P)! Okay, enough exclamation marks, but you can purchase the posters or Peeyo online at their shop or at kidrobot and magmabooks-UK.

Here are some of their cool pixel arts. Do visit their website for the complete works. It´s amazing. Really.

All images are by Eboy.

p, comparing from the previous post, this site entirely based on vector (juaranya flasher indonesia jg) sy masih ragu, vectornya benar-benar dimanipulasi tanpa software tambahan atau tidak (bagaimana sebuah vector dapat dimanipulasi seakan-akan menjadi 3D banyak dijelaskan di sini, hati2: site tersebut bisa membuat anda terserang vertigo!) , kembali lagi ke yg jelas hasil karyanya superb!:)

Flash, menurut sy adalah keajaiban dunia nomer 9, you can apply almost anything with this software: physics, maths, algorithm,..anything, you can even mimic how the leaf falls from the tree..(you know, how it falls and swings form side to side slowly towards the ground)...just apply the physics equation in its actionscript modul and voila! (*tp ya ga segampang itu jg sih bikin rumusnya;p bikin vertigo sekali lagi!)


Monday, April 28, 2008


Introphus, formerly known as shapetherapy, salah satu flasher indonesia favorit saya, meski lebih banyak menggunakan aplikasi 3D (in flash, animating vector is far more tricky than merging 3D generated animation), but as far as i've compared to others the artist 3d skill is superb (sdgkan sy untuk crafting 3D malah novice sama sekali;p). Shaptherapy ini ga kalah dengan microsite rogue trooper malah lebih bagus...

(*duh kyknya flash sy musti di-update lagi;p..org2 udah pada ke bulan!)


Return to the Root: Batik

I love Batik so dearly. Indonesian batik has evolved as the time progresses. There are old school motifs and the contemporary ones. These ubiquitous type of cloth design can be found in soft furnishing, household linens, wearables, wall arts, etc. Indonesian batiks are the most varied ones, and while I might be biased, they are ultimately the most beautiful too. I will write more on this in another post. Meanwhile, here are some eye candies:

1. indonesia batik, 2. Batik Fabric 1, 3. Batik 13, 4. Batik 12, 5. Batik Indonesian Sarong, 6. Javanese Batik, 7. Batik 3, 8. batik tulis, 9. Not available, 10. Not available, 11. batik sarongs out to dry, 12. batik tulis



Upper image:
Lower image:

Sy selalu suka komik, to find a sensible comic artist is a case of rarity these days, i bet not more than ten of your fingers that counts, all and all in the face of extinction i'm lucky i've found and been introduced to the girl (links mentioned above)

teknik gambar, blocking, alur cerita, itu aja udah perlu tingkat keahlian tertentu, plus blm lagi terbilang teknik pewarnaan, seperti hasil karyanya yang di atas....awesome


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Typography: FontStruck

We´re back on typography today. I found FontStruck via Nubbytwiglet. FontStruck, owned by the FontShop, lets you create your own font for free. They also have a gallery of fonts created using this online program. Here are some of my favorites including some dingbats:

´Til the next post.


Saturday, April 26, 2008

indo indie design: gerilyawan

I first encountered gerilyawan´s works @ flickr. The obviously Indonesian name raised my curiosity. Further clicks including to their website, indieguerillas, revealed that their works are just awesome. Don´t you just dig the vinyl toys like the Persetan one above?

I asked where I can find or purchase these stuff which they have yet to tell me (mental note: don´t forget to send the street art mags to Gerilyawan). Have you ever seen their graffiti art stickers and toys in Indonesia? Let me know.

I like. Like, Totally.


Typeface: Ten by Twenty

I always love good fonts. And I love it even more when it´s free. Ten by Twenty offers three free professional typefaces.

While you´re there, you might also want to check out Ed Merritt´s free semi transparent .png icon.

via smashingmagazine


Friday, April 25, 2008


The other day, I asked abdinusa to do a collaborative work. We both like designs. We both have great interests and concerns about the state of Indonesian arts and cultures. Thus this blog. This may be our clippings, it may be where we jot down our little notes on things we like. You´ll see.

abdinusa came up with the name, Ajegkawan, just about an hour or so ago (the magic of Speedy Net :P). It´s Sanskrit. Friends of the culture, or at least that´s who we think we are.

There you go. See you in the next post.