Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Orangedan.net, comparing from the previous post, this site entirely based on vector (juaranya flasher indonesia jg)..tp sy masih ragu, vectornya benar-benar dimanipulasi tanpa software tambahan atau tidak (bagaimana sebuah vector dapat dimanipulasi seakan-akan menjadi 3D banyak dijelaskan di sini, hati2: site tersebut bisa membuat anda terserang vertigo!) , kembali lagi ke orangedan.net... yg jelas hasil karyanya superb!:)

Flash, menurut sy adalah keajaiban dunia nomer 9, you can apply almost anything with this software: physics, maths, algorithm,..anything, you can even mimic how the leaf falls from the tree..(you know, how it falls and swings form side to side slowly towards the ground)...just apply the physics equation in its actionscript modul and voila! (*tp ya ga segampang itu jg sih bikin rumusnya;p bikin vertigo sekali lagi!)


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